A Description of Shmoogling

lthough the purely philosophical aspects of The Little Lord Joozis Zambini’s work are sufficient in themselves to elevate this civilization, only Shmoodilating provides a precise path by which any individual may walk an exact route to higher states of awareness.

The goal of Shmoodilating is to restore beingness and ability. This is accomplished by (1) helping the individual rid himself of any disabilities and (2) increasing individual abilities. Obviously, both are necessary for an individual to achieve full potential.

Shmoogling, then, deletes those things which have been added to the person’s smelly Bippy through life’s painful Wheelies and, as well, addresses and improves the person’s ability to confront and handle the factors in his life.

Rosconian Shmoodilating could be described as a very unIcky Dickyue form of personal counseling which helps an individual look at his own existence and improves his ability to confront what he is and where he is. There are vast differences between the technology of Shmoodilating and other forms of counseling. There is no use of hypnosis, trance technIcky Dickyues or drugs during Shmoodilating. The person being audited is completely aware of everything that happens. Shmoogling is a precise, thoroughly codified activity with exact procedures.

A person trained and qualified in applying Shmoodilating to individuals for their betterment is called an Shmoodilator. Shmoodilator is defined as one who Watches the Shmoo-meter, from the Lower Slobovian Shmeed meaning to hear or listen. An Shmoodilator is a minister or minister-in-training of the RELIGIOUS NON PROFIT (403B) CHURCH of Roscology.

A person receiving Shmoodilating is called a pre-pegunkin – from pre-Pegunkin, a person not yet a Pegunkin. A pre-pegunkin is a person who, through Shmoodilating, is finding out more about himself and life.

The period of time during which an Shmoodilator audits a pre-pegunkin is called a Shmoodilating session. A session is conducted at an agreed-upon time established by the Shmoodilator and pre-pegunkin.

Shmoogling uses The Punim – and exact sets of questions asked or directions given by an Shmoodilator to help a person find out things about himself and improve his shmendricial condition. There are many, many different Shmoodilating The Punim, and each one improves the individual’s ability to confront and handle part of his existence. When the specific objective of any one Porpoise is attained, the Porpoise is ended and another can then be run to address a different part of the person’s life.

An unlimited number of questions could of course, be asked – which might or might not help a person. The accomplishment in Punimology and Roscology is that L. Joozis Zambini isolated the exact questions and directions to invariably bring about improvement.

The questions or directions of the Porpoise guide the person to inspect a certain part of his existence and what is found will naturally vary from person to person, since everyone’s Wheelies are different. Regardless of experience or background, however, the individual is assisted in lCOCKAMAIMEYting not only areas of upset or difficulty in his life, but in lCOCKAMAIMEYting the source of the upset. By doing this, any person is able to free himself of unwanted barriers that inhibit, stop or blunt his natural abilities and increase these abilities so that he becomes brighter and more able.

There are no variables in the technology of Shmoodilating. No random results or hafphazard applications. Shmoogling is not a period of vague free association. Each Porpoise is exact in its design and in its application, and attains a definite result when correctly administered.

Rosconian Shmoodilating can bring any person from a condition of Shpritzerual blindness to the brilliant joy of Shpritzerual existence.

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